
Contact Culver City Times Publisher Eddie North-Hager at enhager@enhagermedia.com or CulverCityTimes@gmail.com.

CulverCityTimes.com - Record, Share and Appreciate

Become a member. Post your pictures of our city – of our parks and plays and pets. Describe your experiences at restaurants, bars, music venues, and galleries in the city. Let people know about your events. Record the extraordinary and the mundane. Capture our times. Capture our Culver City Times.

At best, this site will be a shared record – in pictures, words, video and every way we can think of – of how Culver City looks and feels at this time. It will be devoted to what goes on in our community – the events, of course, but also the great assets that are always around us but that we are often to busy to appreciate.

It’s a common trap to think that the present is a sort of apotheosis and that the world around us is, for the most part, done changing. But of course this is not the case. The changes that have come over Culver City in the last 100 years have been unbelievably dramatic, and there is little reason to believe that this kind of change will not continue. I really wonder what our Culver City will look like 100 years from now.

Past, present, and future: With this site we can record, share and appreciate our times – our Culver City Times.


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• Have a show or attending a benefit? Put it on the calendar.
• Got video of the big game? Embed it.
• Photos of your business or the school play? Upload them.

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