Helms Bakery in Culver CIty to Re-Open

Los Angeles Magazine is reporting that Helms Bakery in Culver CIty will re-open in fall of 2013 after a 44-year hiatus. Sherry Yard, the former pastry chef at the Wolfgang Puck Fine Dining Group (who the LA Times calls "one of the best bakers in the country") will head the effort along with Fathers Office and Lukshon owner Sang Yoon. 

Father's Office will begin serving breakfast three days a week beginning in January. Then, over the course of the year, the space that used to be home to the H.D. Buttercup furniture store will be converted into a full-service restaurant for breakfast and lunch, as well as a bakery producing breads, pastries, and (according the Yard) "the best cream puffs and doughnuts we can make."

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Comment by Les Goldberg on December 11, 2012 at 11:18am

This news made my day!    Wow!    Talk about nostalgia!    I grew up in CC when the aroma of freshly baked goodies was a refreshing respite to the smog and enticed young and old alike to slow down along Venice Blvd. to inhale it like fine perfume.    In fact, I am so old, I remember (yes, I CAN remember some stuff) rolling by Helms on the Red Car, and waiting anxiously for the iconic Helms truck to stop in front of my house on Globe Avenue where my mother bought the pastries and I took the free cardboard cutout and folded it into the one of the best toys ever invented.    Priceless!!

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