IndieCade, Taste of the Nation, & The Culver City Car Show: Should They Be Saved?

Culver City Car Show

At last Monday's meeting, the Culver City Councilmembers debated whether the city should continue to help fund three major Culver City cultural events: IndieCade, Taste of the Nation, and the Culver CIty Exchange Club's Car Show. In the past, the city's redevelopment agency has helped fund these events, but with the state's recent elimination of these agencies, Culver City must decide whether funding should continue.

City Manager John Nachbar recommended against funding these events out of the city's discretionary fund but suggested that the city might waive permit fees and other charges. Ultimately, the council postponed a decision until city staff could discuss funding options with representatives from each of the events.

During the deliberations, Councilmember Jeff Cooper reasoned for the value of IndieCade and against Taste of the Nation, but Councilmembers Andrew Weissman and Christopher Armenta argued that the city had to be consistent in its treatment of each event. 

My questions to readers are:

Which of these is your favorite event and why?

Should the city treat all of these events the same?

And which should the city find the money to support?

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