Where Am I in Culver City? Game 030

Every other friday, I'll post a picture of something in Culver City that is 'hiding in plain sight.'

This time, the question is: Do you know where in Culver CIty this sign is? If you know, enter your response in the comments box of this post! I'll reveal the answer in two Fridays, when I post a new game.

Last time, I posted this sculpture:

No one identified the sculpture on this site, but on the Culver City Times's Facebook Page, John Hughes correctly identified it as the "West wall of Trader Joe's." Congratulations, John, you're right. 

Unfortunately, that's the extent of my knowledge about these artworks. Anyone know who the artist is?

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Comment by Evlynne Braithwaite Householder on June 11, 2012 at 11:26am


Comment by Scupine on June 10, 2012 at 10:33pm
You nailed it, Evlynne. And I thought this was going to be a tough one!
Comment by Evlynne Braithwaite Householder on June 10, 2012 at 8:22pm

Im pretty sure that Plaza de autos is on Sepulveda  just south of venice blvd. on the west side of the street

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